STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. The Traders' Magazine

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Article Archive For Thomas K. Lloyd

  • Looking For Inefficiently Priced Stocks by Thomas K. Lloyd

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Looking For Inefficiently Priced Stocks by Thomas K. Lloyd The story is the same everywhere: Find the inefficiency and take advantage of it. This author presents some ideas on how to recognize market inefficiencies by analyzing stock charts and making use of what he calls the inefficient market theory. Every trader knows that the way to trade profitably and easily is to take advantage of the inefficiencies in the marketplace. That means you have to be able to recognize inefficient pricing, have some idea about how badly the price is off, and then time your trade to take advantage of the pric...

  • Daily stock technician by Thomas K. Lloyd

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Daily stock technician by Thomas K. Lloyd For several years, I marketed a proprietary chart service, called Flow of Capital, to major money managers in the country who generally had at least a billion dollars in equities under management. Each chart plotted four/variables. The first line showed capital flowing into or out of the stock. Next, there was a line showing the demand-supply fluctuations. Below that was a rate-of-change indicator. Finally, there was comparative relative strength. These charts showed that relative strength is the basic raw data for every novice technician to learn a...

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